
Madarka Primary

Madaraka Primary School is run by a competent headmistress who advocates highly for gender equality and Menstrual Health Management. Nawiri Sisters is a foundation that provides sanitary towels and MHM information to the girls and leverages on a support system of the school to ensure effectiveness and progress.

Last visit 3w ago


This is a rescue centre for teenage mothers. The home is run by Ms. Domittilah Atieno, who is committed to preserving life and restoring hpe to girls.

17th October (next visit to be communicated)

Baraka Za Ibrahim

Baraka za Ibrahim is a charitable Children’s Centre and school serving Nairobi's Kibera slums. The Centre was founded by Mrs. Praxedes Masila to act as a rehabilitation centre for orphans, abandoned kids or children affected by HIV whose caregivers were too ill to provide adequate care, demanding intervention.

Last visit 1w ago


When the widely spoken story of 14 year old Jackline Chepng’eno reached our ears, there was the urgent need to fight period stigma and restore menstrual dignity. The girl’s story inspired Nawiri’s mantra: fight shame, restore dignity. Her hometown, Kabiangek in Bomet became an interest for us which we pursued through the community's church. Jackline committed suicide after soiling her skirt in class

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